Research impact

BRISTT works with practitioners, policy makers, funding bodies, and others to advance the understanding of marketing and consumption practices.



BRISTT is actively engaged in creating impact with a wide range of stakeholders, including:

  • Practitioners in public health and care, advertising, cultural change, museums leisure, legal, manufacturing and service sectors 
  • Policy makers such as ministries, police; and wider public representatives such as social activism movements. 
  • Funding bodies including the ESRC, AHRC, Horizon 2020 and Industrial Strategy Fund.
  • Leading academic journals where members act as Associate Editors or the Editors of Special Editions include: the Journal of Business Ethics,  ;  Industrial Marketing Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Information Technology & People.
  • Cluster members serve on advisory committees and chair special interest groups of several research associations and societies, including Transformative Consumer Research (Dr Eva Kipnis), Academy of Marketing (Dr Caroline Oates).

In all instances BRISTT seeks to make a difference by challenging existing thinking and theory while contributing to academic debate, policy enhancement, managerial practice and individual and societal well-being.

BRISTT has established international networks and joint projects with colleagues in institutions across USA, France, China, South Africa, Ukraine, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, among others. A recent partnership with IESEG School of Management (France).is advancing diversity and inclusion in intercultural engagement via marketing and management research agenda.  We are actively seeking opportunities for developing new partnerships with world leading research institutes, Universities and academics that have similar interests across the world.