Dr Holly Croft

School of Biosciences

Future Leaders Fellow (Senior)

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Full contact details

Dr Holly Croft
School of Biosciences
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
  • UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, University of 含羞草传媒, UK (2020-)
  • MSCA Independent Research Fellow, University of 含羞草传媒, UK (2018-2020)
  • Research Associate, University of Toronto, Canada (2011-2018)
  • Research Assistant, University of Basel, Switzerland (2010-2011)
  • PhD Physical Geography, University of Exeter, UK (2010)
  • MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modeling and Reconstruction, University of Manchester (2006)
  • BSc (Hons) Physical Geography, University of Manchester, UK (2002)
Research interests

I am an ecological remote sensing scientist with interests in agricultural, forested and Arctic terrestrial ecosystems. My research is focused on the use of remotely sensed data in the measurement and modelling of biophysical and ecological variables that influence vegetation productivity, carbon exchange and nutrient use, along with the effects of disturbance on ecosystem structure and function. I use remote sensing data, acquired from a range of platforms from UAVs to satellites, ground-based field experiments and novel analytical methods to improve our understanding of vegetated systems for research and management applications.

Current research projects

RESOLVE: 鈥楻emote sensing of photosynthetic traits for high latitude plant productivity modelling鈥 Funding Agency: Horizon 2020 MSCA

The arctic is predicted to warm faster and to a greater extent than anywhere on earth. Environmental drivers such as increased temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration, are resulting in unprecedented changes to the structure, function and/or species composition of arctic and boreal vegetation. Recent developments in remote sensing methods and satellite technologies and have opened up exciting new opportunities to use chlorophyll fluorescence and modeled leaf biochemical estimates as indicators of plant physiological status, in order to address biome-scale questions on climate-induced changes in vegetation productivity. This research will contribute to: improving our understanding of the spatially-dependent dominant environmental drivers affecting ABB vegetation change at local and regional scales, determining the terrestrial carbon budget for the ABB, and the consequent implications for atmospheric CO2 concentrations.


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All publications

Journal articles

  • Dechant B, Kattge J, Pavlick R, Schneider FD, Sabatini FM, Moreno-Mart铆nez 脕, Butler EE, van Bodegom PM, Vallicrosa H, Kattenborn T , Boonman CCF et al (2024) . Remote Sensing of Environment, 311, 114276-114276. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Leng J, Chen JM, Li W, Luo X, Rogers C, Croft H, Xie X & Staebler RM (2024) . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 350, 109999-109999. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Caine RS, Khan MS, Brench RA, Walker HJ & Croft HL (2024) . Plant Cell Environ. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Blackman R, Edmondson J, Densley-Tingley D & Croft H (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen B, Wang P, Wang S, Liu Z & Croft H (2024) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129(3). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen B, Li Y, Wang S, Chen J, Zhang X, Liu Z & Croft H (2024) . Ecological Modelling, 488, 110593-110593. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zhang H, Li J, Liu Q, Lin S, Huete A, Liu L, Croft H, Clevers JGPW, Zeng Y, Wang X , Gu C et al (2022) . Methods in Ecology and Evolution. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Xu M, Liu R, Chen JM, Shang R, Liu Y, Qi L, Croft H, Ju W, Zhang Y, He Y , Qiu F et al (2022) . ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 192, 66-82. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Xu M, Liu R, Chen JM, Liu Y, Wolanin A, Croft H, He L, Shang R, Ju W, Zhang Y , He Y et al (2022) . IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-13. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Lu X, Croft H, Chen JM, Luo Y & Ju W (2022) . Environmental Research Letters, 17(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Li Y, Ma Q, Chen JM, Croft H, Luo X, Zheng T, Rogers C & Liu J (2021) . Remote Sensing of Environment, 264, 112618-112618. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luo X, Keenan TF, Chen JM, Croft H, Colin Prentice I, Smith NG, Walker AP, Wang H, Wang R, Xu C & Zhang Y (2021) . Nature Communications, 12. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Rogers C, Chen JM, Croft H, Gonsamo A, Luo X, Bartlett P & Staebler RM (2021) . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 304, 108407. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Rogers CA, Chen JM, Zheng T, Croft H, Gonsamo A, Luo X & Staebler RM (2020) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(10). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Lu X, Ju W, Li J, Croft H, Chen JM, Luo Y, Yu H & Hu H (2020) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(8). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chou S, Chen B, Chen J, Wang M, Wang S, Croft H & Shi Q (2020) . Ecological Indicators, 110, 105867-105867. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wang S, Li Y, Ju W, Chen B, Chen J, Croft H, Mickler RA & Yang F (2020) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM, Wang R, Mo G, Luo S, Luo X, He L, Gonsamo A, Arabian J, Zhang Y , Simic-Milas A et al (2020) . Remote Sensing of Environment, 236. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen B, Chen JM, Baldocchi DD, Liu Y, Wang S, Zheng T, Black TA & Croft H (2019) . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 276-277, 107649-107649. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chan FCC, Altaf Arain M, Khomik M, Brodeur JJ, Peichl M, Restrepo-Coupe N, Thorne R, Beamesderfer E, McKenzie S, Xu B , Croft H et al (2018) . Forest Ecology and Management, 410, 12-26. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luo X, Croft H, Chen JM, Bartlett P, Staebler R & Froelich N (2018) . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 156-168. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luo X, Chen JM, Liu J, Black TA, Croft H, Staebler R, He L, Arain MA, Chen B, Mo G , Gonsamo A et al (2018) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(1), 207-225. RIS download Bibtex download
  • He L, Chen JM, Croft H, Gonsamo A, Luo X, Liu J, Zheng T, Liu R & Liu Y (2017) . Geophysical Research Letters, 44(22), 11,590-11,600. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM, Luo X, Bartlett P, Chen B & Staebler RM (2017) . Global Change Biology, 23(9), 3513-3524. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dong T, Liu J, Qian B, Jing Q, Croft H, Chen J, Wang J, Huffman T, Shang J & Chen P (2017) . IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10(1), 104-117. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen B, Arain MA, Chen JM, Croft H, Grant RF, Kurz WA, Bernier P, Guindon L, Price D & Wang Z (2016) . Ecological Modelling, 321, 98-109. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen B, Liu J, Chen JM, Croft H, Gonsamo A, He L & Luo X (2016) . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 216, 82-92. RIS download Bibtex download
  • He L, Liu J, Chen JM, Croft H, Wang R, Sprintsin M, Zheng T, Ryu Y, Pisek J, Gonsamo A , Deng F et al (2016) . International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 44, 53-60. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Froelich N, Croft H, Chen JM, Gonsamo A & Staebler RM (2015) . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 211-212, 72-84. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM, Froelich NJ, Chen B & Staebler RM (2015) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(8), 1576-1586. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM, Zhang Y, Simic A, Noland TL, Nesbitt N & Arabian J (2015) . ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 102, 85-95. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gonsamo A, Croft H, Chen JM, Wu C, Froelich N & Staebler RM (2015) . Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 201, 8-16. RIS download Bibtex download
  • He L, Chen JM, Liu J, Mo G, B茅lair S, Zheng T, Wang R, Chen B, Croft H, Arain MA & Barr AG (2014) . Ecological Modelling, 294, 94-104. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM & Noland TL (2014) . Forest Ecology and Management, 328, 202-208. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM & Zhang Y (2014) . International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 33, 312-320. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Anderson K & Kuhn NJ (2014) . European Journal of Soil Science, 65(4), 605-612. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM & Zhang Y (2014) . Ecological Complexity, 17, 119-130. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Simic A, Chen JM, Leblanc SG, Dyk A, Croft H & Han T (2014) . IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(1), 92-104. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Chen JM, Zhang Y & Simic A (2013) . Remote Sensing of Environment, 133, 128-140. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Anderson K, Brazier RE & Kuhn NJ (2013) . Water Resources Research, 49(4), 1858-1870. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Kuhn NJ & Anderson K (2012) . CATENA, 94, 64-74. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Anderson K & Kuhn NJ (2012) . CATENA, 93, 87-96. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Anderson K, Croft H, Milton EJ & Kuhn NJ (2012) . Remote Sensing Letters, 3(2), 131-140. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Anderson K & Croft H (2009) . Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 33(4), 457-473. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Anderson K & Kuhn NJ (2009) . European Journal of Soil Science, 60(3), 431-442. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Yu L, Luo X, Croft H, Rogers CA & Chen JM () . Plant, Cell & Environment. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kooistra L, Berger K, Brede B, Graf LV, Aasen H, Roujean J-L, Machwitz M, Schlerf M, Atzberger C, Prikaziuk E , Ganeva D et al () . Biogeosciences, 21(2), 473-511. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Caine RS, Harrison EL, Sloan J, Flis PM, Fischer S, Khan MS, Nguyen PT, Nguyen LT, Gray JE & Croft H () . New Phytologist. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen JM, Wang R, Liu Y, He L, Croft H, Luo X, Wang H, Smith NG, Keenan TF, Prentice IC , Zhang Y et al () . Earth System Science Data, 14(9), 4077-4093. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Qian X, Liu L, Croft H & Chen J () . Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Qian X, Liu L, Croft H & Chen J () . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Qiu , Chen , Croft , Li , Zhang , Zhang & Ju () . Remote Sensing, 11(13), 1572-1572. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Luo X, Croft H, Chen JM, He L & Keenan TF () . Global Change Biology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Canisius F, Wang S, Croft H, Leblanc SG, Russell HAJ, Chen J & Wang R () . Drones, 3(1), 27-27. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chou S, Chen J, Yu H, Chen B, Zhang X, Croft H, Khalid S, Li M & Shi Q () . Remote Sensing, 9(8), 794-794. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H, Arabian J, Chen JM, Shang J & Liu J () . Precision Agriculture. RIS download Bibtex download


  • (2018) , Remote Sensing Handbook - Three Volume Set (pp. 1267-1310). CRC Press RIS download Bibtex download
  • Croft H & Chen JM (2018) , Comprehensive Remote Sensing (pp. 117-142). Elsevier RIS download Bibtex download
  • () CRC Press RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Ma Q, Chen JM, Li Y, Croft H, Luo X, Zheng T & Zamaria S (2017) . 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 23 July 2017 - 28 July 2017. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen JM, Croft H & Zheng T (2016) . 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 10 July 2016 - 15 July 2016. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Croft H, Caine R & Khan M (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Caine R, Berry P, Storer K & Croft H (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Cunningham ST, Bryant RG, Khan MS, Caine RS, Edmondson J, Absalom ECP, Turner A, Blackman R & Croft H (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download
  • Khan MS, Caine RS, Morrison R & Croft HL (2024) . RIS download Bibtex download


  • Leng J, Chen JM, Li W, Luo X, Rogers C, Croft H, Xie X & Staebler RM (2024) , Research Square Platform LLC. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Caine R, Khan MS, Brench RA, Walker H & Croft HL (2023) , Authorea, Inc.. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kooistra L, Berger K, Brede B, Graf LV, Aasen H, Roujean J-L, Machwitz M, Schlerf M, Atzberger C, Prikaziuk E , Ganeva D et al (2023) , Copernicus GmbH. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Caine RS, Harrison EL, Sloan JM, Flis PM, Fischer S, Phuoc NT, Lang NT, Gray JE & Croft HL (2022) , bioRxiv. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Chen JM, Wang R, Liu Y, He L, Croft H, Luo X, Wang H, Smith NG, Keenan TF, Prentice IC , Zhang Y et al (2022) , EGUsphere. RIS download Bibtex download
Professional activities and memberships
  • Editorial board 鈥 American Geophysical Union books
  • Editorial board 鈥 MDPI Remote Sensing journal
  • Grant proposal reviewer for: NSERC (Canada), European Research Council, NERC (UK), BELSPO (Belgium) national research programme for earth observation.