Urban Life at the Extensions

UI’s Senior Professorial Fellow AbdouMaliq Simone is taking up the third iteration of the Banister Fletcher Global Fellowship.


This is an opportunity for comparative and collective work in Urban Studies established with the support of the Banister Fletcher Trust and in collaboration with the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) and the School of History (QMUL). Maliq’s work contributes to the Banister Fletcher Fellowship’s objectives of placing alternative forms and spaces of knowledge production at the heart of the work it aims to foster in relation to cultures and histories of the built environment across the world. 

Maliq’s programme is entitled Urban Life at the Extensions and brings together five thematic working strands in an intensive 5-day series of ‘dialogues’ convened in Paris at the Institute and at the Station-Gare des Mines (Aubervilliers), led by scholars, activists and urbanists drawing from their respective domains and locations.

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