New Urban Commons Handbook published

Architecture-UI PhD student Ana Mendez de Andes Aldama and her colleagues have published a new book that presents a compilation of definitions, experiences and references around some of the questions that arise when thinking about commoning the city.

Urban Commons Handbook
Urban Commons Handbook

Cities have been a critical space of experimentation. The urban commons transform cities around the globe through projects and practices that challenge capitalist accumulation, extraction and enclosure. Together, they give shape to a political proposal that requires the invention of new kinds of institutions, new kinds of spaces and new kinds of actors in charge of their production and reproduction. Understanding the urban commons as open organisational systems for collective management fostered by radical democratic governance models — allows us to tackle urgent issues, such as climate change and social inequality, from a point of view that is both constructive and relational.

Urban Commons Research Collective include: Emre Akbil, Alex Axinte, Esra Can, Beatrice De Carli, Melissa Harrison, Ana Méndez de Andés, Katharina Moebus, Thomas Moore, Doina Petrescu.

The Urban Commons Research Collective invites you to attend the book launch of the Urban Commons Handbook, a collection of stories, definitions and readings of commoning in the city published collectively by student and staff researchers from across the UK.

Wednesday 22nd February. 5-7pm.

The event will support local independent book shop , intended to generate discussions of commoning outside of the university campus.

More information and options for purchasing a digital copy of the book on a 'name your price' basis  or hard copies can be purchased at the event.

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