Community-led urban transformation: Community Savers in 2023

Community Savers and CLASS are a cross-class alliance between an informal women led poverty action network and a tailored professional support agency which the UI and the Dep. of Urban Studies and Planning has supported and partnered with since 2017.

CLASS annual report

 affiliates are majority women-led neighbourhood associations that take action to reduce poverty and inequality in their local areas. They join together through the Community Savers movement for a stronger collective voice on social, economic, and climate justice.

The building blocks of the Community Savers movement are women-led and community-based savings clubs. The Community Savers methodology and theory of change is an adaptation of a 30-year strong social movement called Shack/Slum Dwellers International.

Community Savers leaders direct the movement through a variety of co governance mechanisms, working together with CLASS staff and trustees.

They follow a learning-by-doing methodology, where regular reflection and evaluation is critical. They conduct an annual impact evaluation between January and March; and their new report captures their outcomes and learning between January and December 2023. 

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