Urban Climate Finance

Decentring Urban Climate Finance + Urban Climate Finance Network


Funded by the Urban Studies Foundation, the is an open international network of scholars at different career stages, working across different disciplinary fields (economic geography, black geographies, sociology, urban political ecology, postcolonial studies, development studies, urban geography, etc.) on questions of urban climate finance. In 2021-2022, the network’s research agenda works to decentre urban climate finance through a set of workshops and masterclasses. 

If you would like to join the network or have an enquiry, get in touch with the co-conveners at urbanclifi@gmail.com 

Team: Enora Robin 

Partners: Dr Sarah Knuth (Durham University), Dr Hanna Hillbrandt (University of Zurich), Dr Zac Taylor (TU Delft), Dr Emma Colven (University of Oklahoma), Dr CS Ponder (Florida State University), Dr Fritz-Julius Grafe (University of Zurich)