Dr Phil Joddrell

Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health

Research Associate

Phil Jodrell
Profile picture of Phil Jodrell
+44 114 222 0779

Full contact details

Dr Phil Joddrell
Population Health, School of Medicine and Population Health
Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 Regent Street
S1 4DA

I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare in the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR).

I completed my undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of York in 2007 and went on to work as an Assistant Psychologist in the older adult services at The Retreat, a not for profit provider of specialist mental health care in York.

In 2013, I decided to move into research and joined the Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Group within ScHARR, working as a Research Assistant on two projects in the field of dementia care and technology.

In 2017, I completed my PhD investigating the use and accessibility of touchscreen apps with people with dementia.

Research interests

My research interests are in applied health research in the field of dementia, frailty and ageing, with a particular interest in using technology to facilitate wellbeing and improve quality of life.

Current projects:

  • AcTo Dementia (Accessible Touchscreen Apps for People Living with Dementia)
  • Monitoring frailty using technology

Show: Featured publications All publications

Edited books

  • Astell A, Smith SK & Joddrell P (Eds.) (2019) Technology for Dementia: A Guide for Everyday Living. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. RIS download Bibtex download

Journal articles

  • Neal D, Gaber S, Joddrell P, Brorsson A, Dijkstra K & Dröes R-M (2023) . DIGITAL HEALTH, 9. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P, Potter S, de Witte LP & Hawley MS (2021) . Technology and Disability. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell AJ (2019) . Gerontology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Keogh F, Mountain G, Joddrell P & Lord K (2018) . American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Groenewoud H, de Lange J, Schikhof Y, Astell A, Joddrell P & Goumans M (2017) . Gerontechnology, 16(1), 37-47. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Powell L, Joddrell P & Parker J (2017) . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 242, 646-653. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell A (2016) . JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 3(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Astell AJ, Joddrell P, Groenewoud H, de Lange J, Goumans M, Cordia A & Schikhof Y (2016) . International Journal of Medical Informatics, 91, e1-e8. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Joddrell P & Smith SK (2019) Leisure activities and technology with dementia In Astell A, Smith SK & Joddrell P (Ed.), Using Technology in Dementia Care A Guide to Technology Solutions for Everyday Living Jessica Kingsley Publishers RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Joddrell P, Hernandez A & Astell AJ (2016) (pp 509-514) RIS download Bibtex download

All publications

Edited books

  • Astell A, Smith SK & Joddrell P (Eds.) (2019) Technology for Dementia: A Guide for Everyday Living. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. RIS download Bibtex download

Journal articles

  • Neal D, Gaber S, Joddrell P, Brorsson A, Dijkstra K & Dröes R-M (2023) . DIGITAL HEALTH, 9. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P, Potter S, de Witte LP & Hawley MS (2021) . Technology and Disability. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell AJ (2019) . Gerontology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Keogh F, Mountain G, Joddrell P & Lord K (2018) . American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Groenewoud H, de Lange J, Schikhof Y, Astell A, Joddrell P & Goumans M (2017) . Gerontechnology, 16(1), 37-47. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell A (2017) Dementia: There are so many apps for that.... Journal of Dementia Care, 25(1), 32-34. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Powell L, Joddrell P & Parker J (2017) . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 242, 646-653. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell A (2016) . JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 3(2). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Astell AJ, Joddrell P, Groenewoud H, de Lange J, Goumans M, Cordia A & Schikhof Y (2016) . International Journal of Medical Informatics, 91, e1-e8. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Smith D (2013) They re all going to die' Our reflections on the myths and realities of relocations within in-patient Specialist Older Adult Services. Clinical Psychology Forum(249), 27-29. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Joddrell P & Smith SK (2019) Leisure activities and technology with dementia In Astell A, Smith SK & Joddrell P (Ed.), Using Technology in Dementia Care A Guide to Technology Solutions for Everyday Living Jessica Kingsley Publishers RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Astell AJ & Joddrell P (2019) . Alzheimer's & Dementia, Vol. 15(7) (pp P166-P167) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Astell AJ & Joddrell P (2019) . Alzheimer's & Dementia, Vol. 15 (pp P509-P509) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Steele M, Hernandez A, Joddrell P, Dove E & Astell AJ (2018) . Gerontechnology, Vol. 17(s) (pp 152-152), 7 May 2018 - 11 May 2018. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell AJ (2018) . Gerontechnology, Vol. 17(supplement) (pp 149s-149s), 7 May 2018 - 11 May 2018. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Schikhof Y, Goumans M, Joddrell P & Astell A (2017) . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 242 (pp 1-4) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell AJ (2017) . Alzheimer's & Dementia, Vol. 13(7) (pp P162-P163) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P, Hernandez A & Astell AJ (2016) (pp 509-514) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P, Hernandez A & Astell AJ (2016) . Alzheimer's & Dementia, Vol. 12 (pp P158-P158) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell AJ (2016) . Alzheimer's & Dementia, Vol. 12 (pp P258-P259) RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Cudd P (2015) . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 217 (pp 204-211) RIS download Bibtex download


  • Services C Poster Presentations at the 10th Canadian Conference on Dementia (CCD) Québec City, October 3, 2019. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P & Astell A Implementing accessibility options for dementia in existing touchscreen apps. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Joddrell P, Hernandez A & Astell A Developing a framework to support the identification of accessible touchscreen apps for people living with dementia. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Astell A & Joddrell P Investigating people living with dementia’s response to prompts in digital touchscreen games using eye-tracking. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Authors V Poster Presentations at the 8th Canadian Conference on Dementia (CCD), Ottawa, October 2015. RIS download Bibtex download