Doctoral Times

Doctoral Times was a University newsletter for doctoral and higher research degree students that ran from 2010-2023. We do not currently plan to publish any further issues, but you can download past editions here.

Group of students

Last edition

Our final edition of the Doctoral Times, published in Summer 2023, focused on Open Research. Discussing the challenges and benefits of sharing your research, it included a wide range of resources and support to help you along the way.


Previous editions

Please note that each edition includes the date of publication, and articles will represent the PGR landscape as at was at that time - some terms, rules, priorities and University services will have changed in the intervening years. Much of the content will still be of interest however, which is why we have included the full archive below. 

Issue number Topic
Planning for Timely Submission 
Research Methodologies
Academic Writing for Researchers
  Doctoral Student Journey: Experiences and Challenges

Doctoral Student Journey: Experiences and Challenges

Academic Conferences
Transitioning to PhD Studies
The Job World After the PhD
The Job World After the PhD
Research Impact
Issue 13 Social Media
Issue 12 Data Management
Issue 11 Starting With The End In Sight
Issue 10 Researcher Development Framework and Training
Issue 9 Collaborative Working
Issue 8 Internships
Issue 7 Doctoral Academy
Issue 6 Off-Campus Experience
Issue 5 Continuous Professional Development and Employability
Issue 4 Publishing
Issue 3 Postgraduate Research Pathway
Issue 2 Literature Review
Issue 1 Doctoral Times First Edition