@article{article, title = {{Cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize structurally diverse, clade-specific and cross-reactive peptides in human immunodeficiency virus type-1 gag through HLA-B53}}, url = {{}}, year = {{2001}}, month = {{6}}, author = {{Dorrell L and Willcox BE and Yvonne Jones E and Gillespie G and Njai H and Sabally S and Jaye A and Degleria K and Rostron T and Lepin E and McMichael A et al}}, doi = {{10.1002/1521-4141(200106)31:6<1747::AID-IMMU1747>3}}, volume = {{31}}, journal = {{European Journal of Immunology}}, issue = {{6}}, pages = {{1747-1756}}, note = {{Accessed on 2024/09/20}}}