@article{article, title = {{IL-15 reprogramming compensates for NK cell mitochondrial dysfunction in HIV-1 infection}}, publisher = {{American Society for Clinical Investigation}}, url = {{http://dx.doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.173099 }}, year = {{2024}}, month = {{1}}, author = {{Moreno-Cubero E and Alrubayyi A and Balint S and Ogbe A and Gill US and Matthews R and Kinloch S and Burns F and Rowland-Jones SL and Borrow P and Schurich A et al}}, doi = {{10.1172/jci.insight.173099}}, volume = {{9}}, journal = {{JCI Insight}}, issue = {{4}}, note = {{Accessed on 2024/09/20}}}