@article{article, title = {{The P323L substitution in the SARS-CoV-2 polymerase (NSP12) confers a selective advantage during infection}}, publisher = {{Springer Science and Business Media LLC}}, url = {{https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/id/eprint/198930 }}, year = {{2023}}, month = {{3}}, author = {{Goldswain H and Dong X and Penrice-Randal R and Alruwaili M and Shawli GT and Prince T and Williamson MK and Raghwani J and Randle N and Jones B and Donovan-Banfield I et al}}, doi = {{10.1186/s13059-023-02881-5}}, volume = {{24}}, journal = {{Genome Biology}}, issue = {{1}}, note = {{Accessed on 2024/09/20}}}