@article{article, title = {{Improving the content validity of the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT): a modified e-Delphi study}}, publisher = {{Elsevier}}, url = {{http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/143393/ }}, year = {{2019}}, month = {{3}}, author = {{Nha hong Q and Pluye P and FĂ bregues S and Bartlett G and Boardman F and Cargo M and Dagenais P and Marie-Pierre G and Griffiths F and Nicolau B and O'Cathain A et al}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.03.008}}, journal = {{Journal of Clinical Epidemiology}}, note = {{Accessed on 2024/09/19}}}