@article{article, title = {{Spectroscopic and Photometric Analysis of the HW Vir Star PTF1 J011339.09+225739.1}}, publisher = {{Walter de Gruyter GmbH}}, url = {{http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/134182/ }}, year = {{2018}}, month = {{2}}, author = {{Wolz M and Kupfer T and Drechsel H and Heber U and Irrgang A and Hermes JJ and Bloemen S and Levitan D and Dhillon V and Marsh T}}, doi = {{10.1515/astro-2018-0011}}, volume = {{27}}, journal = {{Open Astronomy}}, issue = {{1}}, pages = {{80-90}}, note = {{Accessed on 2024/09/20}}}