@article{article, title = {{TLR-dependent phagosome tubulation in dendritic cells promotes phagosome cross-talk to optimize MHC-II antigen presentation}}, publisher = {{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}}, url = {{http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/151253/ }}, year = {{2014}}, month = {{10}}, author = {{Mantegazza AR and Zajac AL and Twelvetrees A and Holzbaur ELF and Amigorena S and Marks MS}}, doi = {{10.1073/pnas.1412998111}}, volume = {{111}}, journal = {{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}}, issue = {{43}}, pages = {{15508-15513}}, note = {{Accessed on 2024/09/21}}}