Humberto Terrones

Eight favourite papers of Humberto Terrones.


1. A L Mackay and H Terrones, '', Nature, Vol. 352, 762, (Aug. 1991).

In this paper the concept of Negative Gaussian curvature was introduced theoretically to produce periodic sp2 curved crystals. These structures were named Schwarzites after Hermann Amandus Schwarz. They are also called Mackay-Terrones crystals.

2. H Terrones and A L Mackay, '', Carbon Vol. 30, No. 8, 1251-1260, (1992).

In this paper using differential geometry, different sp2 carbon nanostructures are studied using changes in Gaussian curvature - Positive Gaussian curvature for Fullerenes, Negative Gaussian curvature for Schwarzites and zero Gaussian curvature for graphene. The curvature is introduced through 'topological defects' such as pentagons, heptagons, octagons, etc.

3. M Terrones, H Terrones, F Banhart, J-C Charlier and P M Ajayan, '', Science, Vol. 288, No 5469, 1226-1229 (2000).

For the first time, using high resolution transmission electron microscopy, the coalescence of single walled carbon nanotubes were observed. A theoretical model involving vacancies and negative Gaussian curvature is involved in the coalescence.

4. G Seifert, H Terrones, M Terrones, G Jungnickel and Th Frauenheim, '', Physical Review Letters, Vol. 85, No 1, 146-149 (2000).

In this manuscript for the first time, the electronic properties for nanotubes made of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) were calculated. They found direct and indirect band gaps depending on their structure (arm-chair indirect gap zigzag direct gap). These results show the first theoretical evidence of direct band gap in single layer TMD.

5. H Terrones, M Terrones, E Hernández, N Grobert, J-C Charlier and P M Ajayan, '', Physical Review Letters, Vol. 84, No. 8, 1716-1719 (2000).

In this manuscript different two-dimensional crystals of graphene are studied. The crystals exhibit a balance of positive (pentagons of carbon) and negative Gaussian curvature (heptagons of carbon). The structures are named Haeckelites in honour of Ernst Haeckel, because of the resemblance with the radiloaria drawings.

6. Rodriguez-Manzo, M Terrones, H Terrones, L Sun, F Banhart and H  W Kroto, '', Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 2, 307-311 (2007).

In this manuscript by using high resolution transmission electron microscopy the birth of a multiwalled and single walled carbon nanotubes is observed in-situ for the first time.

7. H Terrones, R Lv, M Terrones and M S Dresselhaus, '', Reports on Progress in Physics, Vol. 75, 062501 (2012).

In this manuscript an understandable theoretical-experimental review of defects and doping in graphenic structures is presented.

8. H Terrones, E Del Corro, S Feng, J M Poumirol, D Rhodes, D Smirnov, N R Pradhan, Z Lin, M A T Nguyen, A L Elías, T E Mallouk, L Balicas, M A Pimenta and M Terrones, '', Scientific Reports, Vol. 4, 4215 (2014).

In this manuscript new Raman modes are calculated theoretically and found experimentally for few layers of different transition metal dichalcogenides (MoS2, WS2, WSe2, MoSe2).

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