International Journalism Week 2017

Our sixth annual International Journalism Week took place from 6 to 10 November 2017, with another fascinating programme of discussion about media research and practice from a global perspective. The theme of the week was Journalism in High-Risk Environments.


The programme

Download a PDF of the programme (322KB)

International Journalism Week ran from Monday 6 to Friday 10 November and the events and speakers were as follows:

  • Welcome to International Journalism Week: Professor Marie Kinsey, Joint head, School of Journalism, Media and Communication and Dr Emma Heywood, Lecturer in Journalism, Politics and Communication

  • Hate Speech: Chris Elliott, Former Readers' Editor of The Guardian; board member of the Ethical Journalism Network

  • Journalism Under Attack: Professor Jackie Harrison, Joint head, School of Journalism, Media and Communication and Chair, 

  • Rachael Jolley, Editor, Index on Censorship

  • Case study workshops

  • Risk in Journalism: Chris Kemp, Head of High Risk, BBC

  • Turkey: Freedom of Expression in the Dock: Sarah Clarke, International Policy and Advocacy Manager, PEN International

  • Whose Story is it Anyway? Covering Syria in the Digital Age: Lindsey Hilsum, International Editor, Channel 4 News

  • Defending press freedom around the world: global threats and challenges: Rebecca Vincent, UK Bureau Director, Reporters Without Borders

  • Case study presentations

  • Reporting in Russia: Jack Stubbs, Moscow correspondent, Reuters

  • Legal and Ethical Challenges to Investigative Journalism: Gill Phillips, Director of Editorial and Legal Services, The Guardian

Activities for students

The Student Challenge

Students were asked to form a group and carry out a case study based on a real-life issue related to Journalism in High-Risk Environments. A good chance to develop their skills and get their work published. There was also the opportunity to win a prestigious visit to one of three leading UK media organisations.

Download the details (PDF, 314KB)

The School of Journalism, Media and Communication and the  (CFOM) were delighted to announce the winners below. Our congratulations to all of you!

Individual competition

  • Lijing Qiang

  • Xiaoyun Liu

  • Megan Drew

  • Kaixin Cheng

Group challenge

First place

  • Jun Wang

  • Danyang He

  • Jialin Hou

  • Yaxi Zheng

  • Jiahang Zhang

Second place

  • Siyu Chen

  • Jingxuan Huang

  • Yichen Liu

  • Lin Yan

  • Chengfeng Wang

Third place

  • David Marriott

  • Daniel Allen

  • Ash Williams

  • Adam Loughran

  • Matt Rennie

The prizes

The top four entries received a prize of a day visiting a top media organisation. These were:

  • A day at Channel 4 News, starting with the 9:30am editorial meeting and ending at 8pm when the programme comes off air

  • A day at the Press Association. Observe the fast pace at a major news agency by joining its news production team for a day

  • A day at The Guardian's international/foreign desk. See how the Guardian international team decides what to publish and how to prioritise

  • A day on the newsdesk at BBC Five Live News

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