History resources for schools

Welcome to the Department of History’s resources for teachers. Here you will find a huge number of topics and resources which highlight the range of expertise found in the department.

Studio Leonardi (Rome, Italy), 1914

We start in Rome in late antiquity and move through time and place, covering topics including the Aztecs, the English revolution, enslavement, the Russian revolutions, Facism, and anti-apartheid movement. Our resources are organized chronologically, with a separate section more focused on the study of history itself. It corresponds to the curricula as closely as possible and includes not only written blog posts but also a range of audio, video, and material for places like History Extra, History Today, and the Historical Association. We hope this resource becomes a place that teachers can come for information on the historical periods they are teaching, while including resources to introduce different topics like disability history, LGBTQIA history, gender history, and history from below.

  1. In this , Charles West is joined by experts from across Europe and the world to explore the eleventh century in European history. You can also read Dr West’s ‘’.&²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  2. Danica Summerlin talks Thomas Becket with Melvyn Bragg and other guests on BBC Radio 4’s ‘’
  3. Were the Aztecs ‘brutal and bloodthirsty’? Caroline Dodds Pennock looks at in History Extra. Dr Dodds Pennock also discusses European attitudes towards indigenous peoples of the Americas in the sixteenth century ‘Valladolid debate’ on BBC Radio 4’s ‘’.&²Ô²ú²õ±è; 
  4. In , Michael Braddick examines John Lilburne and how the seventeenth century English Revolution ushered in a new phase in British politics. Prof. Braddick also discusses his book on Lilburne . For more on early modern England, step into the everyday lives of Londoners and explore or the . 
  5. What kind of work did enslaved people do in the nineteenth century US south, besides agricultural labour? Rosie Knight explores for ‘Nursing Clio’. For more on slavery in the nineteenth century US, see Andrew Heath’s discussion of the .  
  6. Does humanitarianism have a history? Emily Baughan discusses the ‘’, from the abolition of slavery to the 1983-1985 Ethiopian famine: 
  7. Esme Cleall explores the and what these reveal about then-contemporary attitudes to disability, race, and gender. 
  8. Miriam Dobson asks ‘’ for ‘History Matters’.&²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  9. What role did women play in fascist movements? Julie Gottlieb discusses in inter-war Britain on the ‘Yeah Nah Pasaran’ podcast. 
  10. Tehyun Ma explores since their founding in 1948-9. 
  11. How have historians’ interpretations of the Civil Rights movement differed? Andrew Heath and Sarah Miller-Davenport provide ‘’.&²Ô²ú²õ±è;
  12. What is interesting about the Cold War? Eirini Karamouzi considers for the Historical Association. For more on the Cold War, consider in improving the U.S. image around the globe with Sarah Miller-Davenport, or the concept and character of the conflict itself in by Benjamin Ziemann.
  13. Did 1960s Britain witness a ‘youthquake’? Adrian Bingham discusses the . 
  14. In the struggle against apartheid, why did the African National Congress (ANC) and its allies move away from the exclusive use of non-violent tactics? Simon Stevens discusses ‘’ in this journal article. 

The study of history 

  • What does ‘Eurocentrism’ mean for historians studying and teaching European history? A . 
  • Does the passing of time really make us more impartial? Adrian Bingham explores.   
  • What language or terminology should we use when referring to people of the past? Chris Mowat discusses ‘³Ù’&²Ô²ú²õ±è;

You can read blog posts on a wide-range of topics over at History Matters, organised here by period, place, and theme: 


 Young woman at the Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963.

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