60 miles in August for MND

“Do you think you could run 60 miles in August to raise money for MND?” A simple question that led to Fiona and Alex signing up for a summer challenge to fundraise for this fantastic charity and cause. 

Picture of Fiona's dad
Picture of Fiona's dad

“Do you think you could run 60 miles in August to raise money for MND?” A simple question that led to Fiona and Alex signing up for a summer challenge to fundraise for this fantastic charity and cause. 

(Picture of fundraising pack and miles completed chart) 


The why… 

MND (Motor Neurone Disease) affects approximately 5000 individuals across the UK that is a life shortening condition with no present cure. Unfortunately, in (insert year) Fiona’s dad was diagnosed with MND, immediately dealing a horrid blow that turned family and friends' lives upside down. However through immense fortitude, determination and unwavering levels of support they have rallied behind him to help battle against this horrible disease. Fiona and family have undertaken many monthly fundraising challenges previously, such as squat challenges and long walks, and this challenge will be the next sizable undertaking across the month of August. 

(Fundraising picture of Fiona with her Dad)

The journey so far…

Speaking with both Fiona and Alex has highlighted a depth and personal nature this challenge holds at its core. From signing up, Alex and Fiona have talked extensively about the cause, her Dad’s story and how they might tackle the challenge across the month. For Alex it’s been an inspiring, learning experience to understand more about this life changing condition, particularly its impact on the individual and family members. When hearing about the story and challenge it became a no brainer for Alex to help fundraise in any way he could and signed up immediately. For Fiona, this is a deeply personal cause that impacts and shapes her day to day. Often supporting her Dad alongside family to tackle the everyday routine tasks that we take for granted and being able to do. 

(A beautiful sunset during the fundraising) 

They have both been ticking the miles off as they’ve gone with wall charts and some nifty gold star stickers to mark their steady process. After the first week, there is still a long way to go but Fiona and Alex both seem determined and enjoying the challenge so far. Buoyed on by family, friends and an online community with 1000’s of others undertaking their own challenges, they’re well on their way to their target.


(Picture of Fiona’s Dad with fundraising mileage log)

How can you help? 

Feel inspired and want to know how you can help? There’s a number of ways to get involved. Circulate this blog amongst colleagues and why not to Fiona and Alex as they move closer to their 60 mile target. Drop-in to the office and chat with them about this challenge and how they’re getting on. Support the fundraising effort via the link below. All donations make a difference and would be greatly appreciated by the team. 

(A little more information about MND) 

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