New paper exploring carbon capture

Professor Meihong Wang has a new paper published exploring carbon capture in the prestigious journal Energy & Environmental Science.

Professor Meihong Wang

Professor Meihong Wang has a new paper published in Energy & Environmental Science 

Reduction of CO2 emissions from major sources such as power plants and industrial processes is critical to achieving the COP21 target of limiting the average global temperature increase to well below 2 °C above the pre-industrial level. Carbon capture and storage will play a vital role in delivering 19% of the cumulative CO2 emission reductions between 2015 and 2050 worldwide. 

With the increasing crisis of global warming, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology has been demonstrated to be an effective solution to address global climate change. Currently, most CCUS studies focus on the power generation sector and explore carbon capture, utilization and storage separately. Accordingly, after carbon capture, CO2 purification, compression and transportation are necessary for further sequestration, which consume a huge amount of energy. Moreover, the CO2 emission from industry accounting for about 25% of the total global CO2 emission has not been systematically explored. 

The paper explores the heterojunction-redox strategy which provides a unique way to design bifunctional adsorbent/catalyst materials. The integrated CaL/RWGS process could be a promising technology for CO2 capture and utilization.

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