Alice Badin, Natalia Fernandez and Naomi Wells participate in the EGU conference in Vienna, April 2014

Alice, Natalia and Naomi demonstrated their progress in their respective topics within the ADVOCATE Project.

Alice Badin presented a poster titled “Anaerobic reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethene: how can dual Carbon-Chlorine isotopic measurements help elucidating the underlying reaction mechanism?”

Natalia Fernandez de Vera submitted an amazing video in reference to new technology that is being developed to monitor the Vadose Zone using slanting bore holes (to watch it ). She also presented her outputs in a poster titled “Vadose zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the vadose zone monitoring system and cross-hole geophysics”.

Naomi Wells gave a presentation entitled, "Constraining nitrogen cycling hotspots in contaminated aquifers".

This kind of event is a good place for young scientists to be heard and create a useful network for their future career. In Naomi’s words “It was a very useful experience and led to a new collaboration.”

The ADVOCATE project logo


ADVOCATE developed innovative in situ remediation concepts for the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater.