Professor David Harra

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Head of Robotic Development and Assembly Technology at Airbus


David Harra has extensive experience of manufacturing in the aerospace industry across Europe.  Initially starting his career in Manufacturing Engineering at Broughton in the UK, he has worked in Spain and most recently Germany, where he was instrumental in defining the industrial system for the Single Aisle Programme ramp up.

He has led the Assembly technology team across Europe over the past 7 years, developing new technologies to enhance the competitiveness of Airbus and defining new assembly processes for the next generation of aircraft.  He was the Airbus project leader for the new AMRC Wales facility at Broughton and has a track record of robustly transitioning pure research projects into deployed technologies.

David is now the Head of Automation Technology and leads a team of 80 specialist engineers across the entire Airbus manufacturing footprint.  He has the specific mission to develop and deliver innovative technology to all plants and Final Assembly lines to support current and future aircraft programmes.